
Showing posts with the label ltt

How I fell in love with all things tech related

I have always been what one would refer to as "computer savvy". I knew my way around a computer. I used to be a moderator for an online forum called Evil-Online. It was a site dedicated to the game Resident Evil. I made websites and even did my fair share of harmless hacking. I fell away from that world as I got older and had responsibilities that did not allow me the time to play video games or tinker with computers. My son was diagnosed with Aspergers. He is high functioning and you can't tell anything is off until you start speaking to him. He has one-sided conversations and holds no interest in anything outside of video games and computers. I grew up on football, playing outside, and hold a wide array of interests that he could care less about. It all started with a YouTube video. I am still not sure how he found Linus Tech Tips. He started watching the videos and built his first computer. As a way to spend time with him, I started watching LTT videos and learning...