SAO S3 Ep 20 Review and Synopsis *SPOILERS*
Sword Art Online S3 E20 The Night-Sky Blade Synopsis and Review Disclaimer: I am pretty new to anime. I just started my anime addiction in February. I am not well versed in terminology. I have the Light Novels but I have not started them. This is very much a noob review. I will say the wrong things. Once I start the LN's I hope to go back through the series and compare. Contains SPOILERS This episode starts off with Kirito and Alice. Kirito turns the dragons into eggs to protect them and they are safe in Alice's arms. Kirito apologizes to Alice for making her worry. Asuna comforts Alice and tells her everything will be all right but they need to hurry to The Worlds End Altar. Asuna points her sword at the sky and makes a staircase appear. She collapses but tells Alice she will be alright. She says they do not have a lot of time before the altar closes. Asuna takes Alice's hand and they sprint up the stairs. Alice says in her mind that there are so many questions she has a...