Life Update

I just wanted to update everyone on life in general. Quarantine is driving me insane. I am a major hermit and rarely leave my house anyway, but being stuck inside involuntarily is driving me insane. I can not wait to go to the mountains and just be one with nature and not have to worry about dying from some crazy virus. I have not seen my family since early February. I have not been feeling well and did not want to expose anyone and since I have been to the Doctor and on steroids I need to wait at least two more weeks before I go around them.

I am currently being evaluated by my Dr. I had a huge weight loss and I am not trying to lose weight so it is very concerning to me. My Dr., On the other hand, was excited for me. She seems to think it is the stress that is doing it, but ordered some bloodwork just in case. I mean 20 pounds in two months is kinda crazy. I have not been exercising and since we have been in quarantine it has been all comfort food.

My mental health is okay. I am still having major anxiety and depression, but not on the scale it was a couple of weeks ago. I am trying to stay busy and not dwell on things I can not change. Playing online games and being active in Discord has really helped with my mental state. I am looking forward to finding a good Psychiatrist who is open to alternative medicines. I am also looking forward to finally facing my PTSD in therapy. I think it is very important to get this taken care of this month since it is Mental Health Awareness month.


  1. In the past I've had an episode where I lost weight for no apparent reason, after all the tests though, everything came out ok. They even redid some of the tests, seems like one day you can produce a reading they don't like, and on the next test produce a reading that is Normal.


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