How I fell in love with all things tech related

I have always been what one would refer to as "computer savvy". I knew my way around a computer. I used to be a moderator for an online forum called Evil-Online. It was a site dedicated to the game Resident Evil. I made websites and even did my fair share of harmless hacking. I fell away from that world as I got older and had responsibilities that did not allow me the time to play video games or tinker with computers.

My son was diagnosed with Aspergers. He is high functioning and you can't tell anything is off until you start speaking to him. He has one-sided conversations and holds no interest in anything outside of video games and computers. I grew up on football, playing outside, and hold a wide array of interests that he could care less about.

It all started with a YouTube video. I am still not sure how he found Linus Tech Tips. He started watching the videos and built his first computer. As a way to spend time with him, I started watching LTT videos and learning how to build computers too. That way we would have something in common. It was a way of entering his world on his terms. I recommend this to any parent. If you are struggling to connect with your child, just found out what they are interested in and start there. You may even learn that you love it more than them.

We still watch LTT videos together and never miss a WAN show on Friday's. I am still learning about computers and just completed an upgrade with the help of my online friends. I can not consume enough YouTube video's from the tech world and I am currently obsessed with having the best gaming PC I can afford. I don't know what I would do without this little community of mine. I am really hoping that LTX is not canceled because of Covid-19. It is the one thing I was looking forward to going back to. It was nice being in a huge space filled with like-minded individuals. I plan on writing a separate post about LTX so look forward to that later on in the week. I am trying to get on a schedule with these posts. I haven't written a blog in a while so getting back in the habit is going to be an adjustment.

My Tech video Favorites:

Floatplane It is kind of like YouTube but requires a subscription, no ads!

Linus Tech Tips The Master of Tech Tips

BitWit I love Kyle and his wife. He brings a lot of humor to his videos.

Paul's Hardware Paul and Kyle do a weekly show together on Tuesday Night's.

Jayz Two Cents Jay is hilarious and tells it like it is.

Greg Salazar I love his craigslist reviews, pure comedy.

Snazzy Labs I love Quinn as a person, not his Apple content.


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